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is a german MUD. It is an adventure world, a socializing game, a big toy shop, a game zone, a place to chat, to cuddle, to solve long complicated quests and to explore thousands of details. Playerfights are unusual, playerkilling is punished by automated hardcoded outlawship, and roleplaying hardly takes place at all. Totally uninteresting for the average Xyllomerian roleplaying enthusiast. If you don't speak german, if you can't live without strikt roleplaying rules and if you can't live and play without playerfights, stay off. This MUD is not for you.
Alle anderen sind herzlich willkommen. In Unitopia bin ich übrigens nicht Spielerin, sondern Göttin - so heissen da die Wizards, das programmierende Volk. Allgemein bekannt bin ich unter dem Namen Fenchurch. Zur Zeit bin ich Vögtin in einer total verqueren Gegend namens "Die Kokosinseln", sowie Schutzgöttin in der Druidengilde. |